Debian 下安装 Nginx 非常容易。
apt update
apt install nginx
"Debian 下安装 Nginx[转]"继续阅读
MongoDB is a free and open-source document database. It belongs to a family of databases called NoSQL, which is different from the traditional table-based SQL databases like MySQL and PostgreSQL.
"How to Install MongoDB on Debian 10 Linux[转]"继续阅读
yum install nodejs -y node -v
npm install pm2 -g ln -s /home/download/node-v8.11.1-linux-x64/lib/node_modules/pm2/bin/pm2 /usr/local/bin/pm2
"用 Nginx 反向代理 Node.js"继续阅读
下面的文件。然后执行chmod 777 -R /etc
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