
探讨了页面加载卡顿的原因并提出了多种优化方法。主要原因包括项目包或第三方脚本过大、JavaScript 执行阻塞页面加载、图片体积大且多等。优化策略包括构建缩包按需加载、减少图片体积等。文章还详细介绍了如何通过 Webpack 插件分析项目中用到的 npm 包及大小,以及如何通过调整图片尺寸、格式转换、压缩等方式减小图片体积。

Resource Hints - What is Preload, Prefetch, and Preconnect?[转]

Today we are going to explore current resource hints and directives which can be another great way to boost the performance on your website or web application. You might have heard of preload, prefetch, and preconnect, but we want to dive deeper into the differences between them how you can benefit from them. Some of the advantages of these is that they allow web developers to optimize delivery of resources, reduce round trips, and fetch resources to deliver content faster while a user is browsing a page.

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