URLSearchParams 配合 axios 提交重复的参数

URLSearchParams 接口定义了一些实用的方法来处理 URL 的查询字符串。其中 URLSearchParams.append() 插入一个指定的键/值对作为新的搜索参数,这个方法可以插入重复的值,但当使用 URLSearchParams.set() 设置同名键值时会覆盖前面的值。


const params = new URLSearchParams()
params.append('date', '2018')
params.append('date', '8')
params.append('date', '13')
console.log(params.toString()) // date=2018&date=8&date=13
params.set('date', '20180813')
console.log(params.toString()) // date=20180813

可以直接用 for...of 遍历出键值:

const params = new URLSearchParams()
params.append('date', '2018')
params.append('date', '8')
params.append('date', '13')
params.set('name', 'mazey')
for (let [k, v] of params) {
    console.log(k, v) // date 2018 date 8 date 13 name mazey

配合 axios:

const params = new URLSearchParams()
params.append('date', '2018')
params.append('date', '8')
params.append('date', '13')
  method: 'get',
  url: '/',
  .then((res) => {
    console.log(res.status) // 200
// 请求链接为:http://localhost:8081/?date=2018&date=8&date=13

1 条评论

  1. reviewer

    Evening family deᴠotіons were probably the most necessary comρonents of
    Lee and Larry?s day. Daddy learn part of the story of
    Jesus coming at Christmas which is the place he read yearly thr᧐ughߋut December so they
    might know the actual cause for Christmas, to haѵe fun the beginning of Jesus.
    At the finish of it, Leе requеsted, ?Daddy, did Jesus get a birthⅾɑy party yearly with presents and a clown too?


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