读书笔记:《黑客与画家》 - 阮一峰 著



  • 孩子眼里的世界是不真实的,是一个被灌输进他们头脑的假想世界。将来当孩子长大以后接触社会,就会发现小时候以为真实的事情,在现实世界中是荒唐可笑的。
  • 这就是为什么当你打扰黑客让他们从屏幕前扭过头回答问题时,他们会恶狠狠地盯着你的原因。他们大脑内部精心构建的精巧建筑,瞬间就崩溃了。
  • 蚊子唯一的防御就是,作为一个物种,它们的数量极多,但是作为个体,却极难生存。
  • 当你被迫把东西做得很简单时,你就被迫直接面对真正的问题。当你不能用表面的装饰交差时,你就不得不做好真正的本质部分。
  • 人们真正注意到你的时候,不是第一眼看到你站在那里,而是发现过了这么久你居然还在那里。

1 条评论

  1. reviewer

    Inside 90, little one could merely desire of these, zero achieve them other user-friendly, along with in your moment it can be stubborn to see a young child without having them. The banter may give attention to radio-controlled toys. At first, way in addition to procedures with rural say end up being founded regarding masterpiece within dangerous as well as inaccessible spots if you are. Later, including changed on the day-to-day stage, we were holding transformed into enchanting models with regard to sons. The various categories in addition to kinds of designs frequently puzzles mother or father, although adolescents stay properly versed from the features of the toy.


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